Sunday, October 24, 2010

This is halloween..

I love halloween.  I always have and I think part of the reason is the cool crisp air with the scent of burning wood and whispering dry leaves scuttling along the ground joining you in the merriment of the day.

The other part is the candy.  Let's not lie to ourselves.

We are fortunate to be able to dress up for halloween at work in actual costumes.  I love it!  This year I'm going as a zombie slumber party girl.  I know weird, but my theme every year is someone who's dead or about as close to dead as you can get.  I think it sets the mood and makes everything more fun.  Work can be really mundane and why not take a day to just dress up crazy and ENJOY the holiday.  Don't overthink the occassion and make it something very simple yet fun.  I'm going to wear pajamas to work, whiten my face and put my hair in pigtails.  I guess I'll add some leaves to the hair and call it good.  Simple, yet fun. :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

new career path

This weekend I signed up to start selling Avon.  I'm one of those people where as I am getting older, I'm trying to figure out different ways to make side income and as much as I would like to get a regular 2nd job, I know I will not have the time to do such.

So, I figured with going back to school in the fall, restarting my Etsy, and my regular full time job, this would be a good side project.  Not too much stress with only the amount of hours I want to put into it.

I'm a little nervous but I think that's normal for any type of new path and this is definitely a new path. 

Friday, October 15, 2010


I know, I haven't updated in 2 weeks.  Honestly, there isn't much to report going on or I just haven't felt like typing it out.  I'm not really sure which point I am at, but life is starting to look up.

I have been knitting like crazy and since it's one of my favorite activities then I am so glad to be able to do it!  I've worked on baby items and I will be starting Xmas items next week.  Going to the yarn still will be high on the priority list for next Friday as I will need to pick up a couple of bundles for happiness. :)

I'll be starting a new blog that I'm really excited about!  I've decided to start a blog about my dog Sadie.  She's quite comical and has a very interesting outlook on life.  I know I'll enjoy writing that blog as much as I enjoy writing in my own, but this will give me a chance to use my imagination a bit more.  I love it!

I can say that I am well on my way to my new list, new life, idea.  I am starting to become more honed in on what I would like to focus on and picking up dates to start these ideas.  I'm really thrilled to be able to work these ideas out and make them happen.  There is something really gratifying about completing a goal.

My first goal to complete is to finish signing up for school.  I have to go up to the counselors office (blah) to figure out what I have left so I can enroll for the next semester.  I'm planning on taking 2 classes because I've found that if I take 1 class then I tend to blow it off, but if I take 2 or more, then I work harder.  Weird how that happens huh?  Must be something about making sure my brain will explode to encourage studying.

My other goal is to start my Etsy shop back up, which I have set to launch again on January 1, 2011.  I feel this truly gives me an outlet for one of my passions and I need passion in my life...not just the bedroom kind, but passion within myself to inspire others or to give part of me for their life to be more beautiful.  Even something as simple as a handmade gift will make someone's life special because they will have picked out a beautiful item to bless that other person. 

Eventually, I would love to launch my own website, but I really feel that could be something to come around once I get this owning my own store under my belt.  Plus, I am planning on doing some travelling next year to promote this little venture so it should be a REALLY good time. :)

I think that about updates everything over the last two weeks.  I hope everyone's month is going swimmingly and I will be updating my knitting blog with my new gifts!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Bummer news today.  The job I applied for is no longer vacant so now I'm off to look for another position.  I am upset as I really am looking forward to moving into a new path in life, but everything happens for a reason.  I have always been a very firm believer in this theory and honestly, am rarely proved wrong. 

I am also going to use this to my advantage and get back to school asap, possibly move into a smaller apt, and work on my relationships here to make them fulfilling.  While this is a small setback, this is not a point where I will give least, that's what I know I will feel tomorrow, but today I'm sticking with the bummed.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I still keep in touch with some of my (soon to be ex) in laws and I have to admit, that is one of the things I miss most about my marriage.  My in laws are amazing.  I couldn't have hoped for a nicer family to be welcomed into and I hate that I'm no longer a part of their family.  It makes me sad. 

I know it will get easier but a part of me will be sad this year around the holidays without going over to their house, enjoying watching the kids open their presents, laughing, playing board games and posing for photos. 

It's been a hard day.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


As I'm sitting in the bar watching football with my girlfriends, a plate of wings in front of me and a tall frosty Sprite, I had a realization.  I am happy.

Happy in the fact that it's exciting to rediscover who I am, what I like and what I want to be.  Happy in the fact that although my marriage didn't work out, at least I had the opportunity to be in a relationship and had love in my life.  My life is fuller, more enriched now that I've had this alternate path.  I love that I feel okay with everything going on.  Part of me wishes that I could bring back the happiness that my ex and I once had, however it didn't last for a reason and I believe that we are given what we are given to make ourselves stronger.

For the first time in my life, I'm going to put my dreams ahead of my realizations.  I am going to work to do whatever I have to do to get where I want as I am tired of dreaming.  I want this to be my life and make my choices mirror what I desire.  Above all, I know that no matter what, my best friends and my family will give me the reminders of what I need to make it.  And no one person, is going to stop me.

Friday, September 24, 2010

In with the new, out with the old

I had a great time today.  I went to Old Navy and shopped through a plethera (my fave word) of clearance items.  My hunt did not go unrewarded as I found 2 pairs of yoga pants, flip flops, 4 tank tops and a chemise top for $15.  I actually went in to buy 1 shirt (GO BEARS!!) and became side tracked by shiny clearance stickers which then led me to actually read a sign saying an extra 50% off.  Hello Old Navy :)

It's been a while since I've actually had a chance to do some shopping.  I know I should have kept the $15 and put it towards my new wireless router, but was fun!  Plus I ran into a co-worker while there so we had fun trolling around the store together.

Okay so part of the blogging that I'll be doing is updating my steps on my life list.  Tomorrow I am working on purging the old, unloved, unused.  It's a pain in the butt, but really if I want to be 'move ready' then I need to get down to basics.  Part of my process, I subscribe to a great blog called Simple. Organized. Life.  I enjoy this blog because 1) the blogs are short and 2) it's fun to read what he's cleaned out to make life better.  As we all become more ecologically conscious, part of this movement is remembering we don't need a lot of 'stuff' to make life better or more interesting; we just need enough to make it ours.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Newly Divorced

Newly Divorced.  That sounds weird doesn't it.  How about on to road to true happiness or no longer having to worry about how this will disrupt someone else's life?  Either way, that's what I'm  heading for and I'm okay with it.  My (soon to be ex) husband and I made it a whopping 2.5 years.  amazing.  I'm a statistic.

I hate to admit that I really enjoy being single, but I sincerely am enjoying it.  I've been so busy I've hardly been home.  It's amazing how many people want to do stuff with you when you dump something they didn't's like leaving behind that stinky old sofa that no one would sit on but you.  Now everyone wants to sit on your new sofa.

Other than the new sofas (which I have 2 now) and the new bedsheets, curtains, etc, there is other new things too.  One is starting to figure out that I know what I want to be when I grow up.  I feel less like Peter Pan and have a Wendy aspect on life.  Unless you saw Hook, then in that version I'm more like...okay sorry.
Anyway, I made a list of things that I will be doing over the next year or so.  Now 1 or 2 of these will be  work in progress (WIP), however I'm definitely setting these goals to be started this year.  Here goes:
1.  Continue to look for a new job
2.  Save up to move
3.  Enroll in School
4.  Start to learn a new language
5.  Remember my family & friends
6.  Try to become more activie and even try 1 new activity
7.  Stick with the lifestyle eating changes
8.  HAVE FUN!!!

As I made my list I realized the one thing lacking most from my life in the last few years is fun.  Sad really as I thought I was with someone to help make my life fun, needless to say it was only frustrating and interesting.  Interesting as in wow, thats a big bug on the wall.

I'll keep you posted on the list, but the #1 task is on it's way and #5 is going well.  #6 is starting next month and #7 I already started and I've had some great results. :) yay!