Friday, October 15, 2010


I know, I haven't updated in 2 weeks.  Honestly, there isn't much to report going on or I just haven't felt like typing it out.  I'm not really sure which point I am at, but life is starting to look up.

I have been knitting like crazy and since it's one of my favorite activities then I am so glad to be able to do it!  I've worked on baby items and I will be starting Xmas items next week.  Going to the yarn still will be high on the priority list for next Friday as I will need to pick up a couple of bundles for happiness. :)

I'll be starting a new blog that I'm really excited about!  I've decided to start a blog about my dog Sadie.  She's quite comical and has a very interesting outlook on life.  I know I'll enjoy writing that blog as much as I enjoy writing in my own, but this will give me a chance to use my imagination a bit more.  I love it!

I can say that I am well on my way to my new list, new life, idea.  I am starting to become more honed in on what I would like to focus on and picking up dates to start these ideas.  I'm really thrilled to be able to work these ideas out and make them happen.  There is something really gratifying about completing a goal.

My first goal to complete is to finish signing up for school.  I have to go up to the counselors office (blah) to figure out what I have left so I can enroll for the next semester.  I'm planning on taking 2 classes because I've found that if I take 1 class then I tend to blow it off, but if I take 2 or more, then I work harder.  Weird how that happens huh?  Must be something about making sure my brain will explode to encourage studying.

My other goal is to start my Etsy shop back up, which I have set to launch again on January 1, 2011.  I feel this truly gives me an outlet for one of my passions and I need passion in my life...not just the bedroom kind, but passion within myself to inspire others or to give part of me for their life to be more beautiful.  Even something as simple as a handmade gift will make someone's life special because they will have picked out a beautiful item to bless that other person. 

Eventually, I would love to launch my own website, but I really feel that could be something to come around once I get this owning my own store under my belt.  Plus, I am planning on doing some travelling next year to promote this little venture so it should be a REALLY good time. :)

I think that about updates everything over the last two weeks.  I hope everyone's month is going swimmingly and I will be updating my knitting blog with my new gifts!

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